Lost yourself in your relationship?

Written by Isabella Phillips.

Well since you’ve found your self on this blog post I’ll assume that you are here because you feel like you’ve lost your self in your relationship...

Well, I’m here to tell you that you my dear are not alone.

So many people get to this place for so many different reason but the biggest of them all is truly because you love the person you are with and you do whatever it takes to be with that person. Including changing to become the person that He or she wants you to be or who you think they want you to be...

Let me start off by saying that this is so normal. So many people ask this question as why this happens and how you can change it. Well let’s start with the “why” first.

Reason why number 1.
Your scared 😱. You might be feeling insecure about your self whilst being in this relationship. This could be due to your current partner or an ex, making you feel as if you aren’t or weren’t good enough at some point during the relationship and as a human you naturally believe it because it’s so easy to believe the worst in your self.

Solution number 1.
Take a step back now to reflect on this, is what he or she did or said really true or valid? The answer is more than likely no, the fact that you even feel lost or distress about it is proof enough that you are truly a good person. You are working on your self. And that is a great quality but getting lost is the problem. You don’t need to change everything about who you are to be in a relationship, and if the person you’re with makes you feel this way then they don’t deserve you, your time or your love. The saying is true their are plenty of fish in the sea! But if was an ex that made you feel like this and it’s effecting your current relationships then it’s time to realize they are an ex for a reason, they don’t deserve your time or to have any power over what you do now or in the future.

Reason 2.
You are a co-dependent person. Hate to say it guys but this world is made up of a lot of codependent people who constantly put others happiness before their own. If you find your self feeling unhappy unless you somehow gave the literal shirt off your own back to someone even if it made you freeze to death then it’s time to realize you have become co dependent on your partner. You have really given this relationship your all and probably finding your self in a place of emptiness now because of your codependent ways. Time for change... read on!

Solution 2.
It’s not selfishness it’s self care! Stop and understand that it’s time to put your self first. I know I know, you’ve read all the self help books, probably gone to a yoga class or two, maybe your even seeing a therapist but you still can’t get where you want to be in your emotions. Well it’s because you aren’t keeping it up. You need to make “treating your self well” a habit. You cannot expect to change over night. True permanent change come over a period of time in which you’ve trained your mind, body and spirit that you deserve to be happy too! You have to push your self to fight for your self. Your beliefs. What makes you happy! Now this won’t be easy, your going to feel guilt, like something is wrong or that your doing something that’s dirty even. You might even shock your partner by this new way of life, they might not like this new person you are becoming at first but I promise over time that if they truly love you, they will accept and even embrace this new you! You just need to stay consistent and patient with your self. Let go of making everyone else happy first. Live for you!

Reason 3.
You don’t want to be alone.
You are terrified of being alone in your own thoughts, with your own emotions or generally in life. You’ve probably spent your whole life jumping from relationship to relationship wondering why it isn’t working for you and why is it you seem to find yourself feeling more empty inside as you continue to move forward. You never really took the time out to really get to know yourself on the inside. You truly don’t know who you are.

Solution 3.
There’s never a better time to start getting to know yourself in today! The best part about feeling like this is that at least you’re making the necessary steps needed in order to find yourself. Feeling lost is not the end of the world. We all get lost, lost in translation, lost in our relationships and even lost in life but the best part is is that change is inevitable. Whether you’re a person that believes in Evolution or not, it is bound to happen. The best thing you can do is start taking time that you can spend alone. Alone in your own thoughts and start to realize what it is that makes you happy. Start to realize what makes you tick. You need to start spending time alone so that you can get comfortable with it. Talk about it with your partner, Start open up and make them realize that this time alone is not really time apart but it’s a chance for you to better the relationship in so many different ways. You will learn to love better and stronger, you will have a better idea of what brings you joy and you’ll be able to finally put that first. You’ll do better at work, you’ll be a better friend, you’ll make more money, have a better sex drive etc.

Thanks for reading today’s blog post and I hope it helps!

Take back your life and take back your relationship! Take back the power you have deep inside! If you guys have any other questions or need further help definitely give me a call so we can do a consultation where we might find that there is a specific spell or service that can help you finally make this change and help you feel better! Contact at (424)302-8035

Samantha Phillips