How To Shine With 3-6-9

Manifesting With Witchcraft



Simple but affective magic

You can dream all you want,

But what good will it do?

It's just wishful thinking,

Not a plan to pursue!

Or so says the pessimist. But is the pessimist correct?

Dream all you can,

It's all you need do,

Simply desire it sincerely,

It will certainly come true!

Or so says the optimist. But is the optimist correct?

Dreams offer possibilities,

Of the wonders that can ensue,

When manifesting and witchcraft,

Join forces anew.

Or so says the pragmatist. But is the pragmatist correct?

Well, as a practicing witch and full-time professional healer/counselor, I can absolutely attest to the fact that it is the pragmatist who is correct here. When it comes to manifesting, my loyal readers, you can dismiss the pessimism of the uninitiated. They espouse dogmatic skepticism for its own sake and stubbornly refuse to accept any empirical evidence that doesn't come directly from a white-coated laboratory scientist. Such skeptics try to explain away anything even remotely connected to the supernatural realm. The mere mention of witchcraft, for instance, is sure to induce a conniption fit. A skeptical acquaintance of mine prefers to suffer in the name of "rationality" rather than allow himself to partake of what the supernatural world has to offer. Once, when he was in the market for a new car, I offered him some free advice. He was keen on my idea...until he learned that my insights came about during a meditation session. So, he chose a car that I had advised was wrong for him. One year, one break-in, one breakdown, one nasty hailstorm, and one major accident later, he traded it in. But, of course, that was all coincidence!

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Likewise, dear reader, you can just as readily dismiss the naive optimist. Only people who are at the point of desperation believe that merely wishing for an outcome will bring it about. Unfortunately, there is no paucity of charlatanism out there willing to mislead sincere, hopeful individuals in order to make a quick buck or to garner online notoriety. So-called "experts" in manifesting will lead you to believe that the love of your life and a world of riches are yours for the taking if you just right down what you want in the manner they suggest. One poor woman I met was the victim of miracle manifestation promises. She wanted a better job, and she very much wanted to meet the man of her dreams. So, she followed some dubious online advice and wrote down her wishes everyday, with the belief that sincere desire and a positive mindset was all that was needed. Alas, it wasn't. Sadly, while patiently focused on desiring and believing, she likely lost out on real opportunities to advance her career and to meet desirable men.

My pragmatic approach to manifesting new realities offers a sensible middle ground, one that I have put to the test countless times over the years. You may have heard of the 3-6-9 approach to manifesting, which is the one I endorse. BUT! I do NOT endorse the simplistic, ubiquitous 3-6-9 internet recipes for manifestation. Manifestation does indeed work, but there is much more to the story than most sources will admit. In my next blog post, I'll go into some of the details. Suffice it to say for now that, as powerful as manifestation can be, very few people can manage it successfully on their own. Moreover, manifesting becomes far more powerful once the "secret sauce" is added--witchcraft. You might be wondering why the last lines of my little poem refer to manifesting and witchcraft joining forces anew. Doesn't "anew" imply that they were once used in conjunction? It does. Somehow over the years, this deep and vital connection was nearly forgotten. As a young girl, before my mother informed me that I was a witch, I thought that anyone could manifest, because it came naturally to me. Nowadays, I make use of powerful spells to help my clients manifest. Stay tuned for more on how to manifest properly and for some true accounts of authentic manifestation! In the meantime, feel free to call or text me at (424) 302-8035 and we'll get you started right away--properly--no false hopes, no gimmicks.